First Look: Swiss Pelerinen Capes
The original form of the pelerine is the popular "Wetterfleck" (or Kotze) made of Loden wool or similar material in the Alpine countries, dating back to medieval times.
The pelerine is sleeveless and closed all around, but can be opened on the front with a button or zip opening, unlike a cape. This is useful in hot tropical climate. Instead of taking it off when you get too hot, you just open it up and push it aside. While you get wet in the rain to cool off, your backpack stays dry under the pelerine.

With the classic pelerine cut, good freedom of movement is guaranteed and you can protect a backpack and its contents from moisture. With these features, the pelerine is a practical alternative to the umbrella. Especially hikers like to use these appropriate rain clothes, since pelerines have the advantage that you can pack them to a small size if you don't need them.
Children and adults take their pelerine to garden parties, forest camps, and many excursions. On the way to school, they are worn over the school bag.
Pelerinen are very popular all year round for great experiences in the wild
even in adverse weather conditions.
A microfibre suit under the pelerine is sufficient even in cool wind and weather.
You don't need to carry extra jackets.
There is hardly any better and more practical bad weather or rainwear than a pelerine.
The ideal wind and weather protection for all people, young and old, who are outdoors in all weather conditions.